Logosol launch their latest band sawmill

Logosol launch new band sawmill – Best in its class

Loposol B751 5 year warranty
Logosol B751 band saw mill (8)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (6)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (5)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (4)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (3)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (2)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (1)
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In its standard configuration, the Logosol B751 has a sawing length of 4.8 metres. This sawmill can manage logs of large diameters, up to 75 cm in diameter. With the fixed steps for depth of cut, you can easily set the sawmill to the desired board dimensions, quickly and accurately every time. You get a rigid and extremely functional band sawmill that is best in its class when it comes to sawing.  find out more here….